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OKC Harvest 

OKC Harvest is the school garden support program of OKC Beautiful. Our goal is to empower students to experience hands-on learning through the transformative experience of gardening at school. To do this we involve students in the preparation of garden soil, planting, growing and eating healthy foods. 


Why is OKC Beautiful investing in school gardens? Because a child who has experienced nature can learn to care about it. 

The Garden Educator Program

Our garden educators coordinate weekly maintenance and provide garden lessons regularly to students. Our garden-based and health-centered curriculum ties into state academic standards and emphasizes Sciences, Math and Language concepts. Health, Social Studies and Art are also consistently woven in.


OKC Harvest Lesson Plans and Resources:
Are you an educator who wants to incorporate garden education at your school or organization? We have lesson plans, resources, and more to share with you - at no cost! 

Support Expansion to our Newest School Garden... Esperanza Elementary!
Help grow better futures for our students! This campaign supports expansion of the OKC Harvest program to Esperanza Elementary. Funds raised will be used to build an outdoor classroom and productive vegetable garden (with organic produce grown year-round!) and tools and ongoing education for the 2024-2025 school year.

Pictured are Esperanza students presenting their ideas for the garden. Help their dream become a reality!

See us in action!

Students study germination and learned about the parts of a seed.


Students helped to plant seeds during the September lessons, then learned how the process of germination works.


Students practice recording what they observe in the garden.


Worms open doors to Earth Science and Biology.


Kindergarten students act out germination.


Watering in seeds with Kat

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Bodine Elementary student explores the luffa gourd trellis


A student examines a monarch caterpillar up close

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A student grabs a second bowl of veggie stir fry

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Students harvest lettuce from their garden


Garden Educator Micah Stover guided students in seed planting during lessons.


Science journals are a natural feature of garden-based learning.


First hand knowledge of the natural world is part of the school garden experience.

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Students taste a winter veggie stir fry during Veggies & Vitamins Lessons.


Carrots are yummy!


Cleveland Bulldog garden in action


Bodine Elementary students harvest onions

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A student harvests sugar snap peas from the Bodine Elementary garden


Planting gardens is family fun!


Students practice diagramming seed parts in their garden journals.


OKC Harvest Garden Educators facilitate year-round gardens.


Pre K students test their five senses on flowers in the garden.


Kindergarten students practice organizing and sorting while exploring garden seeds.


A student records observations in the Compost Corner at Cleveland Elementary.


Planting with students.


Putting in tomato cages


Reading about plant care


Enes Kanter & Steven Adams plant veggies with The Boys & Girls Club

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