It takes a community to keep our city clean! LitterBlitz provides the opportunity to give back and connect with friends, neighbors, civic clubs, and coworkers as well as the environment in a safe and easy way.
Your team selects the location and the day to hold your cleanup. If you don’t have a place in mind, we will help you identify a location.
Supply kits are provided, including trash bags, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Safety vests and trash grabbers are available depending on how many are borrowed at that time. To register your LitterBlitz group, fill out the form below.
Click here for the online volunteer waiver.
Contact Lauren Nixon with any questions about LitterBlitz, 405-525-8822.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What should volunteers wear?
We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that can get dirty, as well as comfortable walking shoes. If cleaning an area with lots of debris, closed-toed shoes are recommended. Sunscreen is highly recommended!
Where do we take the trash bags?
If you are cleaning up at or near an Oklahoma City park, you can dispose of bags in dumpsters or trash carts onsite. Please contact Lauren Nixon if carts and dumpsters are filled so we can notify the Parks Department. If doing a roadside cleanup, securely close the bags and stack neatly. Send the location information and a photo of the bags to Lauren Nixon so a pickup can be scheduled.
Do you have any safety instructions for volunteers?
Yes! Click here. We recommend reading these to volunteers at the start of the event.
Can I receive service hours for work, school, or court through this program?
Yes! Contact Lauren Nixon for instructions on tracking time and for any paperwork needing completed.
What size of group can participate?
We have groups of one to 100 participate! Depending on your size of group, we can recommend an appropriate location. Groups of a certain size may need to split up to multiple locations.
Supported by:

Report a Littered Area
Oklahoma City is a big place! We need your help knowing locations that need a little TLC and could benefit from a litter cleanup.
Want to host your own litter cleanup? We'll provide the supplies!